モーリシャス出身のシェフが、長年の経験と本場のセンスで作り出す本格フレンチを メインとしたヨーロッパ料理のレストランです。郊外の静かな住宅地にあり、シェフ夫妻の二人だけで営む小さな店ですので、気軽に楽しんでいただけます。もちろん、品質や鮮度だけでなく健康や安全にも配慮して食材を選び、すべてを手作りしております。
― シェフ経歴 ―
This is a restaurant serves European dish , mainly composed French cuisine , made by the chef who is from Mauritius , has experienced and cultivated at the best place . The restaurant is small , managed by only the chef and his wife at a residential district on suburb , so you will enjoy casually . Of course we select every food and cook all dish considering health and safe as well as quality and freshness.
Chef’s career He had learned and qualified top-notched French cuisine in the international college , then he worked as a chef and a chief of chefs at the first-class hotels in many countries – France , Australia , Singapore , for example , for over 15-years . Also he is well-acquainted with cuisines of some countries - Italian , Chinese , and more.